Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

~re Life of Faith: 371 ceffation, or Lb as to be overcome.) Do you think when the Ifraehtes paled through the Red Sea, that the Leaders had not thegreateff tryal ? and that it was not an exceeding in- creak of their courage, who carne after in the rears when they law moil of their brethren safely paff-.d through ? Look be- lievingly upon the fouls in Heaven, and you will do or fifer any thing to fwllow them. 6. And it will greatly provoke us todiligence in well doing: Look upo your Brethren, and you will mend your pace. If a horse be going towards his Pasture, he will go chearfully'; cfpecialiy when he feeth his companions these, It will make uL pray hard, and m :ditatc fludioufly, and work laboriously, and watch diligently, that we may be with Chriff, where our Brethren are, and receive the end of our faith and labour. 7. And to feenur Brethren in Heaven before us, will greatly help us tofuffer for Chrift, and to be patient in any tribulation which befalleth us. When we fee them in glory,wc hall force flay to complain of the foulncfs ornarrownefs of the way : but look beforeus, and go on through all. Or if the flea) do re- , pine, and our heartsbegin to fail us, it will make us lift up the bands which bang down, and the feeble knees, andmade Bast paths for ourfeet, Heb. t z. 12,13. and to gird up the loins of our minds, andbefiber, andhope to the end, t Pet. t. 13. When we look forward to the end offormer sufferers, it will caul-ins to poffefs our fouls in patience, and to let it have its perfeli work; 8. It will much overcome the fears of death; It is no (mall abatement ofthem that Cicero, and loch honefi Heathens had, to think of the thoufands of their worthiell Anceftors,and that they were to go the common way ofall mankind : But howmuch more may it encourage a Believer, to think that he is not only to go the wayofall the world, through the gateof mortality ; but the way alto which all Gods Saints have gone (fave Hexocb and Elias) who arc now in Heaven. Thus died all the Prophets, and the holy men ofGod; yea Jefas Chris himfelf, before us ; that death might be conquered when it firmed to have conquered, Hob. 2. 1.1.. 9. It will do much to raise us from hypocritical referees, and tcmperizings, and from lud¿,ewarmnefs, and refiìng in low C e c c 2 degrees,