Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

572 The Lift: of Faith. degrees. When our converfation is with the holy ones above, we thall have uponour minds an ambition to attain to their degrees ; and to do Gods will on Earth, as it is done in Hea- ven. It will much encline us to the highett and nobleft fort of duty, which the fpirits of the juft made petted do per- form. He that converfcth onlywith his own fad, tempted, finful heart, and with tempted, faulty, mourning Chrittians, :my learn to confers, and mourn, and weep, andpray : But he that an converfeth with glorified fpirits, will be fo rapt up with their heavenly melody,that he will learnand long to love God more fervently, to praife him more cheerfully, and to give him thanks more abundantly for his mercies. Heaven- work islearnt by a heavenlymind, in the life of a heavenly son- verfation. ro. And to look much at our Brethren that are now in glory, will elfo fill our lives with pleaf4.res, and makeour Re- ligion our continual joy ; and will help us to a foretafle of Heaven on Earth : For we Thall as it were take our felves to be almoft with then ;ind their melodies will be our delight ; and love to them, will make their joyes tobe our own. And though it is the fight of God and our Mediatour by faith, which mutt be our chiefeft hope and joys yet while we are here men in flcfh, yea morewhen we have laid by flab and blood, the pre- fence of all the bleffed fpirits, and heavenly hoff, will be a great, though fubordinate part of our heavenly felicity and delight. Dire6t. 6. When you have gone thus far, confider what obligations lie upon you to converfe by Faith with your Brethren in Heaven, and to lookup frequently to their flare and work. a. Your nccetíary Love to God regoiretb it : For as your Love tohim muti be (hewed by your loving his Image in your Brethren ; fo it requireth you, to love them waft that arc likefl God : or rife you love them not for hìr likenefs, And it re- quireth you to love themmolt whomGod lovetk mot ; and that is thofc that arc likeff him, and nearefl him. And he that loveth God in his creatures, and loveth any one truly for God, mutt love the Angels and perfeâcd Spirits belt, becaufe they love him belt, and are neareil him, and likeit to him, and arealto molt beloved by him. 2. The