Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Fait& 573 2. The common nature of Love and Humanity rcquireth it : For it requircth us to love that beft which is heft ; (as is laid) But the bleffed ones in Heaven are better thin any here on Earth; and therefore should be better loved. 3. The nature of our Love to the Saints requireth it : For ifwe love them as Saints andGodly, we (hall love thofe molt that arc molt holy; and that is the bleffid ones above. And if we love them molt, we (hall certainly mind them, and converfe with them by Faith, and not be voluntary ftrangers to them, e}. It is part of that heavenly converfation, which is com- mended to us, Phil. 3. zo, zr. When it is laid, that our con- verfation is in Heaven, it fignifìcth that our Burgefhip is there, and our intereff and great concerns are there, and our dwelling is there, and our trading and thrivingbufinefs is there, and for it ; and our friends and fellow - citizens, and thofe that we daily trade and converfe with, in love and familiarity, are there ; even as our Got, and our Head, and our Inheritance is there. He never knew a heavenly eonverfation, that pretending there to know God alone, hath no converfe with his holy ones that attend him ; and doth not live as a member oftheir focìety in the City of GGod; that dothnot with force delight behold their holinefs, unity and order, &c. 5. The honcuring of Godand our Redeemir Both require it, (that we daily converfe with the Saints in Heaven t) Becaule it is in them that God is Ceen,in the greatefl glory of his Love ; and it is in them that the Power, and Efficacy, and Love of our dear Redeemer moil appeareth. You judge now of the Father by his Children, and of the Phyfician by his Patients, andofthe Builder by the Houle, and of the Captain by his Vi6forics. And if you fee no letter children of God, than fuch shildifh crying, feeble, froward, difeafcd, burdcrfomc ones as weare, you will rob him of the chiefof this his honour. And ifyou look at none of the Patients of our Saviour, but filch lame and languid, pained, groaning, difeafed, half cured ones Of we; you will rob him ofthe glory ofhis skin and cures. And ifyou look but to fuch an imperfet broken fabrick, as the Church on Earth, you will difhonour the Builder. And if you look to no other Vidories of Chrifi and his Spirit, but what Cccc : .s