Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

574 7 e Li e of Fait& is made in this con((uted, dark, and bedlam world, youi will be tempted to dithonour his conduct and his conque(is: Beat if you will look to his Children in Heaven, who are p:rfe6fed in his Love and Likcncfs, and to Chri(is Patients which are there perfeóly cured, and to his Building in the heavenly unity and glory, and to all his Vilioriesas there compleat, then you will give him the glory which is his due,Rev.z t:dc 22,2 Off, I. 10,11,12. 6. So altoyou will difhonotrr Religion, and the Cburei,if you ö:o..vcrfc not with the Saints above. For the reafons fall given For you will judge of theChurch, andof Religion, by fuch im- perfc5t things as here you fee, where men turn Religion to the fervice of their worldly interefts and ends, and fight for am. bition,faQ'ion, tyranny, ufurpation, and worldly lulls, under the facred names of Religion and the Church; and for the pretended Love of Chrift, and one another , do tear the Church into (hrcds, and worry, anc hunt, and devour one another : You will be tempted to be Infidels, if you do not bere convene with the fincerc, humble, holy, charitable Chri- ftiansand look up toHeaven to perfet fouls : And then you will fee a Church that is truly amiable, holy, unanimous and glorious in perfeft Love. 7. If you look not up to thole in Heaven, you will quite mifunderftand the providences ofGod, in the profperity of the wicked, and the fufferings oldieSaints, and the changes [(that arc ufually madeon Earth : You will begin to think, that tin is fafc, and the wicked are not fo miferable as they are, nor godly diligence fo profitable a thing; you will not know the reafons ofprovidence, unlefs you can fee unto the end : And the ultimate end is not on Earth. But go into the Santrkuary, and take the profpecfive of the promife, and look to the blejfed foals with Chrift, and all the riddle will be expounded to you, and you will be reconciled to all the providences of God : You are (irangc to truth, ifyou arc ftrange to the triumphing Saints in Heaven. 8. The progre(five nature of your faith and godlincis re- quircth it. You arc travelling to Heaven, where the blcffed arc, and are nearer to them than when you firft believed : And the nearer you are to them, the more you (hould mind them, and