Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

578 The Life of Faith. 'have overcome all theft , and arc now at refl. And you have many excellent duties to perform,which will not be fo well done without looking oft on fach a Copy. Yea you have the fearsof death to overcome, which will not be fo cafilydone, as by looking to all the world of fouls, that have alreadygone that way before you. Yea in your canverfe with God bimfelf, though you have one ontyfufficient Mediator, you will call your felves upon great dìfìdvantages, if your thoughts leave out the blelfed fociety of Saints and Angels, who are neareft to him You call away your ftepping- hones, orflairs ofafcent, and you will but tempt your fclvcs to look at God,as through the great interpofing gulf and hinder the needfulfamiliarity ofyour thoughts above. Neg- led not then a help fo needful to you in your prefent (late. 12. Laftly, The remembrance and obfervation of thehea- venly inhabitants, is the way that is commended and com- manded to all Believers, and that as part of their ordinary duty, in their prayers to God. He bath not only minded us that Abraham, Ifaac and Jacob are Hill living, to prove the re- furret7ion, Mattb. 12. 27. but hath allo comforted the cx- pe6ants of Heaven, by defcribirg the joy of Lazarus as in Abrahams bofome, Luke 16. 22, 23. and introduced Abraham as pleading Lazarus's caufc, v. 25, 26. And hath made it a part ofthe comfortable defcription of his Kingdom, that we (hallfit downwithAbraham, Ifaac and Jacobin it,Mattb.8.t t. And when he would appear transfigured in a glimpfe of his glory, to Peter, James and John, he would not do it alone,but with Mops and Elias talking with bim, Match. 17. And the comfort which Paul giveth to the fuffering ThefJalonians, is, Reif with us, 2Thef. t. 6. not only Reff with Cbriff, but with bit fervants :. And when he defcribcth the glory ofChrifts ap- pearing, it is, that He (hall come to be glorified in his Saints, and admired in all them that do believe, vent t, i2. As }(ïmfelfde- fcribeth his appearing as with hisglorious Angels, Mar. 25. 31. AI the holy Angels withhim. Whether it be all the blffedSpi- rits of the higher worlds, or only all thofe of them, who were deputed to thefervice ofthe Churchon earth (Mattb, t8. to.) and fo were made Angels to man, I pals over. And Henocb the f,tvcstth from Adam prophtted, Paying, 43ebeld.tbe Jrordcometb with