Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

589 The Life of Faith. which is their duty, they better know than we; and it is little that we know of their capacities or'opportunities. And we have no Word of God neither to encourage us to this. 5. Nor doth it confill in chafiing'any oneof them above the ref}, for oar ta.ardian and ¡rotator and fo committing out felves ro th4.+r care. For we have no rcafon tobe fo pre- fumptuoos, as to think that we have the choice of our own Prorelfai ; or that it is a matter at all referred to us ; or that they will undertake it ever the more for our choice. 6. Nor yet may we pretend to know what particular Saint or Angel is deputed of God to our prateaion : For there is not the hail difcovery of it in Nature, or in the Word ofGod Andhe that pretendcthextraordinary revelation of it, mull be fuze to prcve it. 7. Not may we prayfor them, as if they were inpurgatory, or in any risifery or danger which did need our prayers for them : For we have neitherreafon to believe the thing, nor any precept or encouragement to the work. And as all"thefe liven are unlawful things; fo thefc alto that follow muti be medled with very tenderly and cauteioufly. a. Our Praifes of them, m ufi be lober and wary ; and loch as are in a plain tendency to the praifes ofGad and godlinefs, left before we are aware, we kindle fuperflition in the minds of the auditors. Praie them we may ; but with a care of the manner, mcafure and confcquents, and with a due rcfpct` to the praife of God. 2. Our Prayers for the Refarrelii,n oftheir bodies, and their folemn Jollification at the dly of joodgnr.nt, though lawful in it felf, yetmufibedone with very great caution. And it is fitter that we pray together in general for the Refurres`iion of All the rnesnbers ofChriti, both thole that are dead, an ,1 thole that will be, than to fix upon thedeaddfinlly; becaufc as we haveno precept or example for it in the Scriptures ; fo the minds of the hearers (if it be publick) may eafily abufe our example to errour and excels, 3, Our thank,{ulnefs to them for their love and benefts,tnuft be very cauteloufly expreffed Not by a verbal thanksgiving ;other; ofwhom we are uncertain when they hear us: Nor yet in. any finch, linguags as tendeth to tncreach upon the honour.