Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

3 Z The Life ofFaith. 3. We 'nun love themwith apeculiar love ; even better than we love the godly upon earths becaufe they are better, and liker unto God, and love him more, and arc more beloved by him. 4. We mull fpecially rejoyce that God is glorified in and by them ; and look often to them as the more illufrious re- prefenters of the Divine Perfet:Cons, than anyof the Saints on Earth. 5. We mutt greatly rejoyce in their own felicity andglory even as if it were our own. Ifwe didfee withour eyes our old dear friend, as Lazarus in Abraham's bofome, triumphing now in the glory ofthe blcfïed, we could not chufe but be daily very glad on their behalf; to fee and think, O what fe- licity do my friends enjoy I And faith Mould make it in fame r* cafure toyou, as ifyou faw it. 6. We mull have agratefulfenfe in our minds of their love to tor; and mull give God thanks for his Angels minifirations for us. For doubtlefs, as they arc wifcr and better than an?of our friends on earth; fo They have a better, apurer and di- viner kindofLove tous, than thefc k :'low have. And the An- gels difdain not to be Chrifis fervents for our good ; yea for our falvation, Heb. 1.14. For, are they not al enintringiritr, fent forth to neinifier for them, who /hall be heirs offalvation, Matth. IS. 1 o. Their Angels alwaies behold the face of my Fa.. Cher inHeaven, Pfal. 34. ?. The Angel oftheLordcampeth round about them thatfearhim, anddeliveretb them, Pfal. 91.11. He /hap give bit Angels charge aver thee, to keep tbee in aPthy wales. They /hallbear thee up in their bands, left thouda/b thyfoot againft affone, Luke 15. a O. There is joy in the prefenceof the Angels ofGod over one firmer that repented:, Luke 16.22. The beggar dyed and was carryed by Angels into Abrahams befome. Though thegreat Love is that of God our Creator, Redeemer and San- é ikìer, and our chiefeft gratitude is duc to him ; even for the benefit whichwe have by any of his creatures ; yet love and mentalabankfulnefs is duc to the rational creatures which are his voluntary inftruments ; becauf they do what they do out of realleve to w ; otherwife we fhouid owe thankfulnefs to none, either benefactor, friend or parents. 7. And our believing oonverfe with the bldffdd fpirits, mutt malty