Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. snake us carnally defre to be lake ehm; even to be as like them here as potiibly we may, and to be with them, that we away be peeled as they arc perfebt. We mutt long to be near God, as they arc, and to know him, and love him, as they do ; and this holyambition is well pleating to God : Though we mutt not defret to be as God, we mutt defire to know sad love bim perfetïly. 8. And hence we mutt proceed to a fober imitation of them as they arc now employed in Heaven: Not in thofc particulars wherein their cafe and ours differ (as to thank God for that conqueft which they have made, and that glory which they do polfefs,&c.) But in all thofe duties, which inCome degree, belong to us as well as them. For instance, Ask what kind of Religion is nett to that which is in Heaven ? Is it fiudying bare words,and disputing about things unprofitable,or contending and quarrelling about precedency, preheminence or domination ? Or is it not rather theclearett knowledge,and the ferventett Loveof God, and all his holy ones, and the Weft content, delight and rett of the foul in God, and the highett praifes and thanksgivings, with the readieft and chearfulleft obedience. And what kind of Religious performances are molt ex, eellent which we mutt principally intend ? Groans, and tears, and penitent confeflions, and moans, arc very fuitable to our prefcnt (late, while we have tin and fuffcring : But Curdy they . are duties of the lower rank : For Heaven more aboundeth with pralles and thankfgiving; and therefore we mutt labour tobe fitter for them, and more abundant in them ; not calling off any needful bumiliations,and penitent complaints; but grow- ing as fall as we can above the neceffïty of them, by conquering the fin which is the casfe. So ask, what in it that would make the Church on Earth to be Yike(t to that part which is in Heaven? is it firiving what Patton (ball be greatefh, or have preced:rrcy, or be called gra- cious Lords or S;nefaüors ? Luke 22, 24,35,26. t Pet.5. 3,455, Or is it in making the fl sck of Chri(l, to dread the Ecular power of the Shepherds, and tremble before them, as theydo before the Wolf? Or is it in a proud conceit of the peoples power to ordain their Paflors, and to rule them and tbenrfelve: 583