Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. indulging any Cush weakneffes in our [elves, as any of them wereguilty of. 2. Nor in extenuating a fin, or thinking ever the better ofit, becaufe it was theirs. 3. Nor in doing as they did in exempted cafes, wherein their Lawand ours differed (as in the marriage of .Adams children, in the Jews Polygamy, &c. 4. Nor in imitating them in things indifferent, or acci- dental, that were never intended for imitation, nor done as morally good or evil. 5. Not in pretending to, or expeó`fing of their extraordinary Revelations, Infpirations, or Miracles. 6. Nor in pretending the high attainments of the more ex- cellent, tobe the neceffary mcafurc of all that (hall beCaved, or the Rule of our Church-Communion : Our imitation of themconfifleth in no filch things as thefe. But it conffleth in thefe. r. That you fix upon thefame ultimate Ends as they did. That you aim at the farne Glory of God, andchufe the fame everlafling felicity. 2. That you chufe the fame Guide and Captain ofyour fal- vation ; the fame Mediator between God andman ; the fame Teacher and Ruler of the Church, and the fame facrilcc for fin, and Interccffor with the Father. 3. That you believe the fame Gofpcl, and build upon the fame Promifes, and live by the fame Rule, the Word of God. 4. That youobey the fame Spirit, and trufl to the time San6}ifier, and Comforter, and. Illuminator, to illuminate, fanci&e and comfort your fouls. 5. That you exercifc all the fame graces ofFaith, Hope, Love, Repentance, Obedience, Patience, as they did. 6. That you live upon the fameTruths, and be moved by the fame Motives as they lived upon, and were moved by. 7. That you avoid the fame fins as they avoided ; and fee what they feared, and fled from, and made confciencecf, that you may do the fame. B. That you chufe and ufe the fame kind of company, helps and means ofgrace (fo far as Yours and theirs are the fame) as they have done : And think not to find a nearer, or another way to that fate ofhappinefs which they are come to, Pbil, 3. 16. Walk by thefame itule,and mind the fame things; Ecce and 585