Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 589 that God is there alone without any company ? Are fo many fond of theopinion of aPerfonal Reign on Earth, for Chr_if} with his holy ones; and yet is it Popery fo much as to. (peak honourably and joyfully of the Saints in Heaven ? My Brethren, thefe things declare you yet to be toodark, too factious, and too carnal ; and to hold the faith of our Lord Jefus Chrifi, with refped ofparties, fides and perlons. Chriti taketh not his Saints as (rangers to him : He that judgeth men as they love and ufe him, in the leaf of his Brethren upon Earth, will not fo Coon cenfurc and quarrel with us as the Scary will do for loving and honouring him in his Saints in Heaven; for it is his will and prayer that they be with him where he is to behold his glory, John 12.26. & 17. 24. Andhe will come with his holy Angels to be glori- fied in his Saints (who thall judge the world and Angels) and to be admired in all them that donow believe, 27hef. a. IO, II, 12. CldAP. XXVII. How to receive the Sentence of Death; and how to die by Faith. HAving laid fo much of this clfewhere (in my Books called, A Believers tat} work : The tali Enemy : My Chrdtian Directory : Trcatifc of Selfdcnyal, &c.) I thall be herebut very brief. I. For the firfi Cafe, before ficknefs cometh Direct. r. Be Lure that you fettle your Frijol of the life to come, that your Faith may not fail._ Iettreel, z: Expelí Death as ferioufly all your life, as wife Believers arcobliged to do : That is, as men that are alwaies fir/ to die; as men that are never lure to live a moment longer ; as men that arc lure that life will be th'ort, anddeath is not far off; and as f ©rcfecitg what it is to die ; of what eternal confequence ; and what will then appear tobe neefy to yourCafe, and to your comfortable change.. Diree4, 3. Ail your hies habitude yourfouls to believing, E e eft . fweet.