Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

590 The Life of Faith, lover enlarged thoughts ofthe infinite Goodnefj andLove of God, to whom you go, and with whom you hope to live for ever. Fire& 4. Dwell in the ffudies ofa crucified and glorified Cbrift, who is the way, the truth and life ; who mull be your hope in life and death, Epbef. 3. 17,18,19. Deed. 5. Keep clear your evidences ofyour right to Cbrifl, madairb-i. Promifes ; by keeping grace or the heavenly nature, in life, a6hvity and increafe, 2 Pet. t. io. zCar. I;. 5.7o61 15, I, & :. I Phis3. Diret4. 6. Confider obten of the po, jean which your nature in Chriff bath already of Heaven ; and how highly it is ad- vanced, and hownear hisrelation is, and how dear his love is to his weakcfl members upon earth : And that as fouls in Heaven have an inclination and defire to communicate their own felicity to their bodies ; fo bathChrift as to bit body the Church, John 17.24. Epbef. 5. 25, 27, &c. Dire4f. 7. Look to the Heavenly Heft, and thofe who have lived before you, or with you in the ficfh, to make the thoughts of Heaven themore familiar to you (as in the for- mer chapter.) Dire&. 8. Improve all Afiiliions, yea the plague of fin it felf, to make you weary of this word, and willing to be gone to Chia, Rom. 7. Dina. 9. Be much withGod in Prayer, Meditation, and other heart - railing duties ; that you may not by ffrangcncfs to him be difmayed. DircEf. Io. Live not in theguilt of any wilful fin, nor in anyflotbful negleFi of duty, left guilt breed terrour, and make you fly from God your Judge. But efpecially (Ludy to re- deem your time, and to do all the good you can in the world, and to live as totally devoted to God, as confcious that you live to nocarnal interel, but dcfirc to ferve himwith all you have ; and your confciences teflimony of this, will abun- dantly take offthe terreurs ofdeath (whatever any erroneous ones may fay to the contrary, for fear ofbeing guilty ofcon- ceitsof merit.) A fruitful life is a great preparative for death, 2 Tim. 4. 8. 1 Cer. t. 12, &c. Direct. I a.2 Fetch front Heaven the comforts which you live