Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5;52 the Life of Faith. verfion, and contain a Love to God and Godltnefs; or whe- ther it be only the fruit of fear, and would come to nothing if you were reftored to health : But he that bath truly re- pented heretofore, and lived in uprightnefs towards God and man, and hash nothing to do, ,but to difeern his fincerity, and to:exercife a fpecial Repentance for fume late or fpecial fns ; or to do that again which' he bath done unfeignedly be- fore, will much more eafily get the affurance and comfort of his forgivencfs and falvation. axed. 2. Renew your fenfe of the Vanity of this world: Which at fach a time one would think, fhouldbe very catie todo. When you fee that you are near an end of all your plcafures, and have had all (except a grave to rot in) that ever this world will do for you, tray you not eafily then fee, whether the godly or the worldly be the wifer and the happier man ì And what it is Oat the life ofman thould be (pent in feeding after ? Mattb. 6.33. ¡fa. 55. 1, 2, 3, Ecclef. q. 3, 4, 5, 6. Dircet. 3. Remember what Fill is, and what it bath been toyou, that youmay not be too loth today it down. 4)f the dull it was made, and to theduff it snuff return : Corruption isyour Father, and the Worm is your Mother, and your Sifter, Job 17. 14. Drought and beat confume the Snow. waters fo dotb the grave tbofe which bave finned : The womb (hall forget him ; the Worm fhall feed fweetly on him, Job 24. 2o. Flefh and bloodlall not inherit the Kingdom of God ; but this mortal muff put on immortality, by being made a firitual body, i Cor. 15. And this flab hath coil you fo dear to carry it about; fo much care and labour to provide it food, to repair that which daily vanifheth away; and fo many weary, painful hours; and fo many fearful thoughts of dying, that me- thinks you fhould quietly refign it to thegrave, which hath been fo long calling for it. Efpecially confidering what it bath done, by the tempts- tions of a vitiated appetite and fink, againfi your fouls : into bowmany fins it bath drawn you, and what griefand fhame it bath procured you; and what a!Turance and hea-' renly plcafures it bath hindered; and how many repentings, and