Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 593 and purpofes, and promifes it bath fruftrated, or undone : Methinks we thould conceive that we have long enough dwelt in futh an habitation. Direct. q.. Forefee by Faith the refurrellien ofthe body, when it (hall be railed a fpiritual body untoGlory ; and (hail be no morç an enemy to the foul. Dire&. 5. Renew your familiarity with the bleffed ones above. Remember that the great Army of God (the fouls of the jutt from Adam till now) are all got Cafe through this Red Sea, and are triumphing in Heaven already ; and that it is but a few firaglers in the end of the world that are left be- hind : And which part then thould you de(ire to be with ? And remember how ready thofe Angels which rejoyced at your converfion, are to be your Convoy unto Chrift, Luke 16. 23. Dire(` . 6. But efpecially think with greateff confidence and delight; that Rimyour Head is eared into the Heavens before you, and is making intercefton for you, and is preparing youa place, and - loveth your company, and will not lofe it. You (hall find him ready to receive your fouls, and prefent them fpotlefs unto God, as the huit of his mediation: He will have you be with him to behold his glory ; and non; (hall take you out of his hands. Let his Love therefore draw up your defrresf, and ttabli(h your hearts in confidence and refl. Direct. 7. Remember,that all thatare living mutt comeafter you ; and how quickly their turnwill come; and would you with tobe exempt from death alone, which the whole world below mutt needs fubmit to ? Dire& 8. Think Hill of the Refurreflion of Chrift your Head, that you may fee that death is a conquered thing, and what a pledge you have of a life to come. Dire&. g. Dwell hill in the believing fore-thoughts of the bleffcdnefs of the life to which you go,as it is your perfonalper- fef#ion, and theperfell Love and fruition of God, with his pet- ted joyous praife. Remember (till what it is to fee and know the Lord, (and all things elfe in him, which arc fit for us to know.) F fff And