Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

594 The Life of Faith, And labour co revive your Love to God, and then you revive your delires.and preparations. Dirett. to. Give up your felves whoty to the Will of Gory; and think how much better it is for upright Souls to be in Gods hand, than in your own. The Will of God is the fir*t and lati, the Original and End of all the creatures. Betides the Will ofInfinite Goodnefl, there is no final Reff for humane fouls. But mans will is the Alphaand Omega, the brginning corfrff efficient, and the ultimate endof all obliquity and fin : Be bold then and thankful in your approach to God, re- membring how much more fate and comfortable it is to be (for life and death) at Gcds difpofal, thanour own. . B_ ides theft, read the Directions again)* thefear of death, in my Book of Self denyal; and what is laid in my Saints Rcft, and other the Trcatifes before mentioned. CHAP. XXVIII. --s--- ----., vV How by Fait to look aright to the Coming of Jefus Cbriff in Glory. BEcaufe I have faid fomuchof this alto, in my Saints Red, and in many other Trcatifes, I will now pafs it over ' with theft briefDiretions. Dire. I. Delude not your fouls, nor corrupt your faith and hope, by placingChriffs Kingdom in things too low, or that are utterly uncertain, Thinknot fo carnally of the fecond coming ofChriti, as the jaws did of the hilt, who looked for an earthly Kingdom, and elefpifed the fpiritual and heavenly : And make not theun-, known time, or other circumfianses of his coming, to be to you as the certain and neceffary thirgs; left you do as many of chofe called Millenaries, or Fifth- Monarchy men among us, who have turned the do6lrine of Chriflian hope into anout- ragious fury, to bring Chriti < down before his time, and to ataakc=theenfclves Euless in theworld, that theymight pre. fcntly.