Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ófFafth. fent'y reign under the name of the Reign of Chat} ; and have by teditious, rebellious railing at Chrifis Minifiers, and hating ehofe that arc nòt of their mind, done much topromote the Kingdom of Satan, while they crycd up nothing but the King- dom of Cbri. D;re&. 2. Do alltbat you can in this of grace, topro - mote Chrifis prefent Kingdom in the world, and that will prove your heft preparation for bisglorious coming. To that end labour with all your might, to fet up Life, and Light, and Love, abhorring Hvpocrifie, Ignorance, and Vn- cbari.tablenefs ; turn not Religion into a ceremony, carkafs or dead Imagery or Form : Nor yet into Darknefs, Error, or a humane wandering, dirt a&ing maze :Nor into fetfifh, proud, cenfòtious fa&ion : Build not Chritis Kingdom as the Devil would do, by hypocritical dead thews, or byputting out his Lights, or by fchifm, divilion, hatred and (kite. Read James 3. Dire&. 3. Yet leave not out cfyour faith and hope, any ceri tainpart ofCbriffs gloricter Kingdom. We know that we (hall for ever be with the Lord, and in the pretenceof the Father in heavenly glory ; and withall, that we (hall be in the New Jerufalem ; and that there fhall be a new Heaven, and a new Earth, in which (hall dwell rigbteoufnefs ; and that we Pall judge the Angels and the world. And if we know not the cir- ckmífances of all thefe parts, let not therefore anyof them be denyed , i Tbef. 4. i I. 2 Cor. 5. a, 3, 8. Rev. 20. & 22. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Direá. 6. Think what a day of Glory it will be to Jefus Cbrilt, Matth. 25.3 i. O how different from his Rate of hu- miliation ! He will not comeagain to be defpifed, fpit on, buf- feted, blafphemed and crucified : Pilate and Herod mutt be arraigned at his bar ; it is the marriage- day Of the Lamb ; a day appointed for his glory, Rev. 2 r, & 22. Dirt&. 5. Think what a day of honour it will be to God the Father ; how his Truth will be vindicated,his Love and 3uf}ice glorioufly demonfirated, Matth. 25.2 Thef t.'8, g. Dire&. 6. Thinkwbat a day it will be to all the children of God; to fce their Lord, when he ptirpofely .connet'h to be F f.f f 2 admired 595