Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

596 The Life of Faith: admired andglorified in them, z Thcf. 1.11,12. To fee him in whom they have believed, whom they loved and longed for, 2 Pet. 3.11,12, 13. & a Pet. I. 8. To fee him who is their dearcfi Head and Lord ; who will juilifie thembefore all the world, and fentencc them to life eternal : To fee the day in which theymuff receive the end ofall their faith, and hope their prayers, labours and patience to the full, 1 Pet. r. 8, 9. Rev. 2, & 3 Mattb. 25.2 Pet. 4. 13. Dir,;d. 7. Think what a day it will be to the Paine of fin, when it ¡hall be the reproach and terreur of the world; and to the Hanour of Holinefs, when faith, obedience and love (hall be the approved honour of all theSaints : And what a day of ac'mirable Juftice it will be, when all that Items crooked here, (hall be let ttrait : O the difference that there will then be in the thoughts of fin and holincfs, in comparifon of thole that men have of them now ! Dired. 8. Think what a confounding day it will be to the infernal Serpent, and all hiefeed, Matth. 25. 41, 16. When impudent boatiers fhail then be fpecchlefs, and all iniquity (ball flop her mouth, Mattb. 25. 44. & 22. 12. Pfal. 107.42. And when Lazarus (hall be Gen in Abraham's bofome; and the enemies of the Saints (ball fee them advanced (as Haman did Mordecai,and rejoycing when theGlory of Chriff is revealed, I Pet. 4. 13. When every (corners mouth (hall be flopped, . and all fiend guilty before their Judge, (Rom. 3.4. 19.) and the wretched unprepared fouls mutt for departing from God, be fentenced to depart into miferyfor ever,' Matth. 25. 41, 46. Jude v. 6.. Dire& 9. And think what a change that day beginneth both with the Saints, and with the world : What a glory is it that we mull immediately poflefs, in body and foul; and how wemuti partake of theKingdom ofour Lord :. Saints thrill be (corned and perfecuted nomore The threatnings and pro- miles of Chia (hall be no more denyed by unbelievers :. Sin will be nomore in honour, nor pride and fenfuality bear Tway : The Churchwill be no more ccclipfed, either by its lamentable imperfcdions, and difeafed members, or by the di- vifaons offcas, or thc fc*ttcriags of thc cruel, or thc (lenders of