Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 597' of the lying tongue, Epbef. 5,27. Satan will no more tempt or trouble us (Rev. 12. 9.) Moth. 25.4i. Sin and death will be excluded ; and all the fears and horrours of both : For the face of Infinite Love will perfeftly and perpetually (hint up- on us, and thine us into perfect perp:tusl Glory, Love and Joys and will feed thcfe, and the thankful and pra:fcful ex- pteffions of them, to all eternity, Mattb. 5.46. 2 Cor. 4. 17. Rev. 2, &3. DireC . r o. Laflly, Think born neer all tbie muff needs be : If the day of the Lord was near in the times of the Apofìles, it cannot be far off to us. If the worlds duration be to fix thoujandyears (the time which arrogant prefumption mofi plaufibly gueflèth at) it will be leis than 95o years to it. Though we know not the time, we know it cannot be long. And let me conclude with a warning to both forts of Readers : And j. To the ungodly unprepared firmer. Poor foul ! doti thou believe this dreadful day of not .? ifnot, why dolt thoudiffemble, by profef ling it in thy Creed ? ifthou do,, how coati thou live Co merrily or quietly in a carolers unpre- pared (late ? Conti thou pofliblyforget fo great, fo fure, fo near a day ? Alas, it will be another kind ofmeeting, than Chrift had with (inners upon earth ; whenhe came in meek- nefs and humiliation, not to judge and condemn the world, but tobe falfly judged and condemned by them, John 3, r7. & 12. 47. Nor will it be fuch a Meeting as Chrift had with thee, either by his Minifters that called thee to repent, who were men whom thou.couldet calilydcfpife ; or by his Spirit which thou couldeft refill and quench; or by his afiltding. Rod, which didbut fay to thee, Go, fin no more, left warp befall thee, 'Loh. 5. r4. Heb. r z. ro, r 2 r Tim. 5. 24. Noras the Judgment of mans Afflue, which paffeth Centence only againtt a temporal life, Luke12. 4. Nor like the treaty of a Judas with his new awakened confcience here: O. no It will be a moreglorious, but moredreadful day : It wilt be the meeting, not only ofa creature with his Creatour; but of a ftnner witha ¡sift and holy God, andof a defpifer of grace, with. the God whom he deJpifed : O terrible dayto the,unbelieving, ungodly, eartral and impenitent ! Heb,ro.3zt & 2,3. &- Iod2.. Ffff 3 L!>ta