Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

II 598 The Life of Faith. Luke 19.27. There mutt thou appear to receive thy final doom ; to hear the laff word that ever thou muti hear from JefusChrifi (unlefs his everlatling wrath be called his Word) And O how different will it be from the words which thou wall wont to hear ! Thou watt wont to hear the calls ofgrace : Mercy dd intrest thee to return toGod : Chrift by his Miniftets did béfecch thee to be reconciled : But if thou intreat him for pardon and peace, with the louden cryes, it would be all in vain, Matth. 7. 21, 2.e 23. Prey, I. 27, 2S. Now the voice is, Behold the Lanti' of God, who taktb away the fins ofthe world, John t. 29. But then it will be, [Behold he cometb with clouds, end every eye (hall fee bim, and they al- fo which pierced bim, and all the kindred., of the earth mall wail, becaufe of him, Rev. I. 7. And [behold the Lord con- eth with ten tbou/ands of bis Saints, to execute Judgment up-` en all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, ofall their ungodly deeds, which they breve ungodly committed, and of all their bard [patches, which ungodly ftnners have fpoken againft him, Jude 14, 15. Now he entreateth you to come to bim thatyou may bave life, John 5.40. But thenyou will cry to the Mountains tofall upon you, and the hills to cover you fromhis pretence, Luke 23. 3o. Rev. 6. 16. Now he faith, :Bbold I fiend at the door and knock; If any man hear my voice, and open the door, Iwill come into bim, and willfup withhim, andhe withme, Rev. 3. 2o. But when once you hear that midnight cry, Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye forth and meet him ; then they that are ready (hall go in, and the door /hall be flintagainft the ref., Matth. 25. 9, io. The door of mercy (hall be (hut : Your Reprobation will be then made Pure, Roth. 9. 22. & 2. 5. The day of thy vifitetion is then pall, (Luke 19. 4 t, 42.) No more offers of Chrift and mercy : No more intreaties to accept them : No more calls to turn and live : Min;flers mutt no more preach,and perfwade,and intrcat in vain. Friends muff no more warn thee, and pray for thee. All is done already that they can do for thy foul for ever. No more ftrivings of the Spirit with thy confcience ; and no more patience, health or time to be abufcd upon flcfhly lulls and ?features.: All theft thingsare paft away, a Cor. 7.3 t. 2 Cor. 4. r7. And thedoorof Hope will beallo,(hut : Nomore hope of