Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Lif e ofFaith. 599 ofa part in Chrifl : No more hope of the fuccrfs of Sermons,. of Prayers, or of any other means : ND hopes of pardon, of juthifcation,of filvation; or of any abatement of thy woe, Luke 16. 25, 26. Bsbold tbie it the accepted time; beheld :bar is the day of filvarion, 2 Cor. 6. 2. Hi.b. 6. 4, 5, 6, 8. Pfal.5.4,5.' & 9. 7. James 1.15. By this time, methinks you thould better know what the ufc and meaning of the Gajpel, and Grace, and MinxViers is ; and what is the defign of Preaching, and in what manner it thould be done. Would you have us Client, or talk to you as in jeaft, while we fee frith a day as this before us? Every true Preacher fpakethto you with Judgment and Eternity in his eye. Our work is to prepare you, or to help you to prepare . tomeet the Lord, and to be ready for your final (cntcnce: O then with whatfirioufncfs thould wefpeak, and thould you bear, and thould both we andyou prepare ! It's piety to fee people hear Sermons many years, and not fo much as know .what a. Sermon is; or what is the ufe and nature of it. Ifour bufinefs were to draw away Difciples after us, and tomake our (elves, the admired heads of fa6tions, then we would (peak thofcper- verfe things contrary to the doliriae which you have been taught, by which ourends might be carrycd on, AW zo. p. Rom. 16.17. Or ,four defign were to be high, and great, and rick we would flatter the g~cat ones of the world, that we might rule you with violence inflead oflove : Or if we confulted our cafe, we thould !pare muchof this labour, and let you fluently alone, at cheaper rates to the fleth, than nowwe (peak, to you. But O who can be filent, who is engaged in this fatted office, when he forefecth what will Portly be the ifue of our prevail-. ing, or not prevailing with you 1 Now as we love Chriff, we muff feed hieJheep; and neccfJiry is laid upon us, and woe be unto us if we preachnot the Gojpel, 1 Cor. 9. 16. Our preaching Cbriff is to warn every mare, and teach every man, tbaiwe may prefeat every man perfell in Cbrift Jefus, Coll. 22. And toper- fwademen as knowing the terreurs of the Lord, 2 Cor. 9. 1 o, a 1.. Heb. 12. z 5, 29. It it were only that we loved fo to hear our felves talk; or tobe cryed up by many followers, we deferved topay dear indeed for Each Preaching., But when our Lord` loved and pittied fouls at the rate of his fuft.rings and bloody de.sibs