Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

600 The Life of Fait . death, Cutely our rates are not above the worth of fouls. O what adoleful fight is it to us, to forefec by faith how loud, how earneftly you would knock and cry, when the door is (hut, and hope is gone ! And what you would then give for one ofthefe daies which you now are aweary of; and for a drop of that mercy which now doth beg your entertain- ment! What then remaineth, but as ever you believe that day;and as ever you care whatbecomcth ofyour fouls and bodies for ever; and as ever you would not be charged and condemned, as final and obfiinaterefufers ofmercy and falvation; yea and for wronging the Minifiers ofChrifi, by making them fiudy and preach in vain : That you harden not your hearts, but hear Chrifis voice, to day, while it is called to day, before the. door ofgrace be (hut : O crywhile crying and beggingmay dogood : Meet Chrift now asmay belt prepare you to meet him then. Meet him now as the Prodigal met his Father, Luke 15. Saying, Ihave finned, and am no more worthy to be calledthy Son, make me one of thy hired fervants. Meet God as Abigail met David, r Sam. 25.32,34. with an offering ofpeace (even Chrift apprehended by an obedient faith :) When the heard from David, Except thou badit hafted andcome to meet me, all had beendeftroyed. Meet him to enquire of his facred Oracle, what is like to become cfthy foul ; as the King of Syria fcnt Hazael with a prefcnt to Elifha, to meet him, laying, Shall Y recover of this difeafe? 2 King. 8.8. Or as Paul met with Chriß when he humbled and converted him, Paying, Who art thou, Lord ? and what wouldft thou have me do I Acts 9. Meet him as the men of Ijrael and Duda did David their King, 2 Sam. 19. (}riving who thould firfi own and honour him, Amos 4.12. Meet God thus nowwhen he calleth you by his Word, whenhe perfwadcth you by his Mínitters, when he moveth you by his Spirit, when he allures and cblig,th you by his mercies, while he driveth you by atfliaion, while he waiteth on you by hispatience, and by all thef-calleth you to repent, to lovehim, and to obey ; to Pet your hearts on Heaven if ever you hope it thould be your portion : Meet him thus now, and then you may joyfully meet him in his glory. II. And