Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faitb. II, And Oall you that are trueBclievers,tift up your heads with hope and joy, for your final deliverance draweth nigh . The world hatl}but a littlewhile longer to abufeyou : Satan hath but a little While more to mold} you : Theblinded So- domites (hall not long be gropingfor your doors : You (hall not longwalk among fnares and dangers ; nor live withene- mies, nor with troublefome unfuitable friends : You havenot long to bear the burden of that wearifome body, of that fe- ducing flefb, of thole unruly paffions, or thole difordcred thoughts ; you have not long to groan under the rrtifery of that troubled and doubting confcience, that darkened mind, thofe dull affcdions, thofe remnants ofunbelief, fiupidity and carnality; nor tocry out with wearinefs from day to day, O when (hall I know God better, and lovehim more ! Death is coming, andquickly after, Chrifl is coming : One will begin, and the other pettedyour full deliverance, and put an end to thefe complaints. And remember, that though Death hath fomewhat in it, which to nature is terrible (God having made the loveofLife to be the pondus, or fpringof motion to thegreat engine of the fcnitivcworld) yet what is there in the fccond comingof Chriff, that (hould feem unwelcome to you > You (hall not meet an enemy, but a friend ; your jurejt, and your greateft friend; one that hath done more for you than all the world hath done ;. and one that is ready now to do much more, and (hew his love and friendfhip to the height. One that will be thenyour furefi friend, when all the world (hall calf youoff. You gonot to he sondemned, but to be openly juffified; yea be- noured before all the world, and fentenced to endlefs glory. You go not tobe numbered with the enemies of holinefs, or with the flothful and unprofitable fervents ; but tobe perfeé}- ly incorporated into the heavenlyfociety, and to Ice the glori- fied faces of Hencch, Mofes and Elias, of Peter, andJohn, and Paul, and Timothy, and all the Saints that ever you knew, or whole writings you have ever read, or whole names youever heard of,& millions more. You go tobe better acquaintedwith thofe Angels that rejoyced at your repentance, and that mi- niflred for your good, and that boreyou in their hands, and were your continual guard both night and day. You go to Gggg joya hoz