Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

6o 2 The Life of Fail . joys in confort with all thefe, in thole feraphick prailtcs which are harmonioully founded forth continually, through all the intclle&ual world, in the greaten fervours of parka Love, and the conttant raptures of perfe& Joy, in the Cullen intuition of the glory of the Eternal God, and the glorified humanity of your Redeemer, and the glory of the celeflial would acd focicty, and radcr thçflreams of infinite Life, and Light, and Love, poured forth upon you to feed all this, to all Etetnity : And all this in fo near .and fweet an Union with the glorified ones, who are the body and Spoufe of Chrift , that it thall le a as one Fr¡rife, one Love, one Joy in all. O for a more lively and quick lighted faith, to forefee this day in Come meaCurc as atlè&ingly, as we (hall then fee it! Alas, my Lord, is this dark profiled all that I muff here hope for ? Is this dull, anddreaming, and amazing apprchenfion, `all that I (hall reach to here ? Is this fenflefs heart, this de- ' fpondent mind, there drowfie defires, the belt that I inuit here employ in the contemplation of fo high a glory ? Mutt Icome in fuch a fleepy (late to God ? and go as in a dream to the beatifical vifion? I am a(hamed and confounded to find my foul, alas, fo dark, fo dead, fo low, fo unfuitable to filch a day and (late, even whileft I am daily looking to- ' wards it, and whileftI amdaily talking of it, and perfwad- ' ing others to higher apprehenfions than I can reach my fell; ` and even whileft I amwriting of it, and attempting to draw a Map of Heaven, for the confolation ofmy felt, and fellow- ' believers. Thou haft convinced my Reafon of the truth of ' thy predi&ions, and of the certain futurity of that glorious ' day : And yet how little domy affetiions flit ? and howun- ° anfwerable are my ¡oyes, andmy defires, to chofe eonvi- ` &ions ? when the light ofmy underftanding thould cure the ' deadnefs of my heart, alas, this deadnefs rather extinguifh- ' eth that light, and chcri(heth temptations to unbelief; and my faith, and reafon, and knowledge, are as it were aflcep, and ufclels, for want of that Life which fhould awaken them ' unto exercife and de. Awakened Reafon ferveth Faitb,and ' is alwaies on thy fide : Eut fleepy Reafon in the gleams of profperity, is ready to give place to fla(h and fancy, and bath