Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 6 ' hath a thoufand diftra&ed,incoherent dreams. Onowreveal 'thyPower, thy Truth, thyLove and Goodncfs effedually ' to my foul, and then I (hall wait with love and longing, for the revelation of thy Glory : Thy inward, heavenly, ' powerful Light, is kin to the glorious brightnefs of thy ' coming ; andwill thewme that whichbooks and talk only, ' without thySpirit, cannot.thew. ThyKingdom in me, and ' my daily faithful fubjee .ion to thy Government there, mut% prepare me for the glorious endlefs Kingdom : Ifnow thou ' wouldeti pour out thy Love upon my foul, it would flame ' up towards thee, and long to meet thee, and think with ' daily pleafure on that day : And my perfect Love would call out that fear, which maketh the thoughts of thy corn- ' ing to be a torments O meet me nowwhen my foul Both ' feels thee, and fecretly cry after thee; that I may know thou wilt meet me with love and piety at the left, O turn ' not now thine ears frommy requeth : For if thou receive ' menot now as thy humble fupplicant, how !hall I hope that 'thou wilt receive me then ? And if thou wilt not hear ma ' in the dayof grace and vifitation, and in this time when thou mayef be found, how can I hope that thou wilt hear me then, when the door is (hut, and the feeking and ' finding time is pall ? If thou cati me out of thy prefencc now, and turn away thy face from my foul and my fup- ' piiccation, as a loathed thing, howcan I then expel thy' fmiles,or the vital embraccments ofthy glorifying Love ? or to be owned by thee before all the world, with that cor- dial and confolatory Jutlification, which may keep my con- ' fcience from becoming my Hell. If thou permit my fletla and fcnfe to conquer my faith, and to turn away my lore and delire f om thee how thall I then expeá that Joy, that ' Heaven, Which confifleth in thy Love : And if thou fuffcr ' this untledfaíi heart to depart from theenow, will it not be the forerunner of that dreadful doom, Depart fromme ye ' workers of iniquity, I knowyou not: And if for the love of ' tranfitery vanity, I now deny thee, what can I then expcß ` butt tobe finallydcnyed by thee ? Come Lord and dwell by thy Spirit in my foul, that I may have fomething in me to Gggg 2 'tak+