Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 607 thinkófThee without defirc ; nor never kneel in prayer to `thee with fuch an unbelieving, and unprayer-like heart, which doth not unfeignedly fay, Let thy glorious Kingdom ' tome : That fo when on the bed of languifhing, I amwait- ' i g fi3r the dilatation of this frame, I may not draw back, flying from thy prefence; nor look at Heaven as lets dc. ' finable than Earth ; nor be driven unwillingly from a more ' beloved habitation ; but with that Faith, Hope and Love which anitnateth all thy living members, I may in confort ' with thy Saints to the laft Gncerclybreak forth, our common 'fitit; Colo Lord7efitr, come squioklÿ. Amen.