Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

Asfi.AMAAAAAAMMANAHAMA Catalogue of .rbooks written and publifhed by thefame ,luthor. r. p-rHE Apharifms. 2. The Saints Everlafting tee, in quarto. 3. Plain Scripture proofof Infant Church-mcmberfhipand Eaptifm, in quarto.. 4. The right Method for a fettled Peace of Confcience and Spiritual Comforts, in thirty two Dircdtions, in odtava. q. Chriftian Concord ; or the Agreement oftheAffociatcd Patlors and Churches of Worcejier.Aire, in quarto. 6. True Chriftianity; or Chrifts Abfolute Dominion, etc. in two Attire Sermons preacht at Worcefier, in twelves: 7. A Sermon of Judgement prcacht, at ¡"Awls , London, Peeemb. 17.,t 6s4. and now enlarged, in twelves. S. Making light ofChrift and Salvation too oft the Wileof GofpelInvitations, manifeftcd in a Sermon preached at Law.. retie Jury, in London, in ol7avo. 9. The Agreement of divers Minifters of Chrift in the County ofWorcejfer, forGatcehizing, :or Perfonal Inftrue ing ail in their feveral Parithes that Will confent t hereunto ; con- taining t. The Articles of our Agreement. 2. An Exhorta- tion to the People to fubmit to this neceffary work. 3. The Profeffion ofFaith and Catcchifm, in oliavo. r o. Guildas Salvianrra, The Reformed Pallor, (hewing the nature of the Paftoral work, efpecially in private Inftrudion andCatechizing, in oefavo. z a. Certain Difputations -of Right toSacraments, and the True Nature ofVifible Chrifti.anity, inquarto. 12. OfJuítification : four Difputations clearing and ami- cably defending the Truth, againft the unneceffary Oppofitions ofdivers Learned and Reverend Brethren, in quarto. i;. A