Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

13. A Treatifc ofConverfion, preached andnow publifhed for the ufe of thole that. are Grangers to a truc Converfion, &c. in quarto. q.. One (beet for the Minifiry againti the Malignants of all forts. 15. kWinding-theet for Popery. 16. One Sheet againt the Quakers. 17, A fecund Sheet for the Minifiry, &c. 18. Directions toJufliccs of Peace, efpecially in Corpora- tions, to the difcharge of their duty to God, &c. 19. TheCrucifying of the World by the Crofs of Chrift, &c. in quarto. 2o. ACall to the Unconverted to Turnand Live, and ac- cept ofmercy, while mercy maybehad, as ever they would find mercy in theday of their extremity : From the Living God : To be read in Families where any are unconverted, in twelves. 21. OfSaving Faith : That it is not onlygradually, but fpecifically (Mind from all Common Faith. The Agreement ofRichard Baxter with that very Learned contenting Advcr- tary, that bathmaintained his Affertion by a pretendedCon- futation in the end ofSerjeaut Shepherds Book. of Sincerity and Hypacrifiie, in quarto. 22. Dircetionsand Perfwafions toa found Converfion, &c. in ollavo. 23. The Grotian Religion difcovcred, at the invitation of Mr. Thomas Pierce in his Vindication : With a Preface, vindi- cating the Synod ofDort from thecalumnies of the new ?ile- um ; and David, Peter, &c. and the Puritans, and Seguefira- tions, &c. from the cenfures of Mr. Pierce, in o5iavo. 24. Confirmation and Rctauration, the necefíary means of Reformation and Reconciliation, &c. in oliavo. 25. Five Difputations of Church-Government, in quarto. 26. A Key for Catholicks, to open the jugling of the le- tunes, and fat'sfic all that arebut truly willing to underftand, whether the Caufe of the Roman or Reformed Churches be ofGod ; and to leave the Reader utterly unexcufablethat after this will be a Pepift, in quarto. Hhhh 27,A