Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

27. A Treatife of Self - denyal, in quarto. 28. His Apology againii the Exceptions of Mr. Blake, Ken- dall,Crvrdon, tires, L, Moulin, in quarto. 29. The unreafonablenefs of Infidelity, in four parts, &c. in ORavo. 30. The ÍForcefier-fhire Petition to the Parliament, for the Miniftry of England, defended, &c. in quarto. 3 r. His Holy Common- wealth ; or Political Aphorifms, opening the true Principles of Government, &c. in súavo. 3 2. His Corfcflionof Faith, &c. in quarto. 33. His humble Advice ; or the heads ofthofe things which were offered to many honourable members of Parliament, in quarto. 34. The Q .akcrs Catechifm; or the Quakers queflioned, in quarto. 35. An account of his prefent Thoughts concerning the Controverfes about the perfeverance ofthe Saints, in quarto. 36. His Letter to Mr. Drury for Pacification, in quarto. 37. The Safe Religion; or three Difputations for the Re- formed Catholick Religion, againfi Popery, &c. in efiavo. 38. Catholick Unity ; or, the only way to bring us all to be ofone Religion,&c. in twelves. 39. The true.Catholick, and Catholick Church defcribed, &c. in twelves. 4o. The Succeffive Vifibility of the Churchof which Pro- tenants are the foundcit members, &c. in oilavo. 41. The Sermon of Repentance. 42. Of Right Rejoycing. 43. Sermon of Faith before the King. 44. Treatife of Death. 45. The Vain Religion ofthe Formal Hypocrite, &c. in fe- vcral Sermons preached at the Abbey in Wiffrtiafler,in twelves. 46. Two Sheets for Poor Families, &c. 47. Short Inffzudions for the fick : a fhect. 48. A Saint or a Bruit, &ç. in quarto. 49. The mifchief of Self ignorance, and benefit of Self- acquaintance, in siavo. 5o. Univerfal Concord, &c. in. otyavo, 5 i, The