Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

5 r. The lati work ofa Believer, &c. in twelves. 52. The Divine Life in three Treatifcs :. The firfl of the Knowledge of Gad The fecond, of Walking with God: The third, of Converting withGód in Solitude, in quarto. 53. The Reafons of theChritlian Religion, &c. 54 DireF ionsfor weakdifiempered Chriflians, to grow up into a confirmed hate ofgrace, &c. z. The Characters of a found confirmed Chritlian ; written to imprint on mens minds the true Ideaor Conception of Godlinefs and Chritlia. nity, in oliavo. Theft' Books following are afa printedfor Nevill Sim- mons at the three Crownsnear HolbornConduit. TH E Novelty of Popery oppofed to the Antiquity of true Chrifiianity. By Peter Dumoulin, D. D. in folio. A Commentary or Expofition upon the five Books ofMofes together with the following Books; Jofhua, Judges, Ruth fittt and fecondofSamuel; fir and fecond of Kings and fitti and fecond ofChronicles, in folio. The Beauty ofMagitiracy, in an Expofition on Pfa1.82. By Tbomas. Hall, B. D. The Souls Looking- glafs,wherein a man may difcernwhat efiatc his foul hands in towards God, and ,what evidences he hath for Heaven, &c. By EdwardBury, late Minitler of great Bolas in Sbropfliire, in oliavo. The Profit ofGodlinefs, fet forth in five Sermons, on r Tim. 4.8. The unprofitablenefsof worldly gain in four Sermons on Mark8.36, 37, The Parable of the barren Figg-tree, ir. (even Sermons on LuJç r 3. 6, 7, 8, 9. Victorious Violence, in two Sermons, on Marsh, II. 12., By Thomas Brindal, late Miniftcr ofWal(hall in Sráfforcljhire, in oliavo. The Girdle ofHoly Rd'olution, in two Sermons, oit r pet; a. 13. By William Gearing, Minifier of the Gofpel, inquarte. The Love -tick Spoufe, in four Sermons on Cant. 2. 5. By Wi&`lamGearing,. Minitler ofthe Gofpel, in quarto. Hhhh 2 ADifsoutfs