Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

A Difcourfe on Prodigious Abfinenne0.ccafoned by the twelve months fallingofMartha Tayler. By 71ón Reynolds, in quarto. The DeadPallor yet fpeaking, in two Sermons, preached on Bartbatmen, day, Aug. 24. 1662. in Bewdley Chappel. By Henry Ofland, then Miniflerthere, inotïava. The Chrillians dailyWalk; a tbcct. By the fame Anthor. A Sinners Justification on the LordJefus Chrifi, the Lord our Rightcoufnefs ; in fveral Sermons. By Obadiah Grew, D. D. late Minifter inCoventry, in otlavo. The Repenting Sinner pardoned, being a briefRelation of the wicked life, and penitent death oflames Wilfon of ¡Volver. banrpton, in SStaffordfhire, in of#avo. The English School ; or the readied way to teach children, or elder perlons, to read, fpell, and rightly pronounce Engli(h ; fitted to the ufe ofcommon English-Schools, illustrated with five brats Cuts. By Tobias Epic, in ol7avo. FINIS.