48 The Life of Faith. AAccMAAdAMAttAsc 4YYYY4YY4Y`8`tit HEBRTWS If. I. Now Faith is the fubf%anceofthings hopedfor ; the evidei e of things not f een. -CHAP. I. For Convit7ion. N the opening of this Text; I have already thawed, that [ir is the nature and ufe ofFaith to be inffead of pretence and fight ; or to make things abfent future and unfeen, to batons, as to our Effimation, Refolution and Converfation, ;may as if they were prefent, and before our eyes : ibough not as to the degree, yet as to thefincerity of our afar. In the handling of this Doftrine, I have already (hewed, that this Faith is a grounded ¡unifiable knowledge, and not a fancy, or uneffeeual opinion ; having for its objets the infal- lible Revelation,and certainTruth of God; and not a falfhood, nor a meer probability orverifimile. I have (hewed how filch a Faith will work; how far it mould carry us, if its evidence were fully entertained and improved ; and how far it dot!, carry all that have it fìncerely in the lean degree ; and I have (hewed Come of the moving' confiderations, that (hould pre- vail with us to live upon the things unfeen, as if they were open toour frgbt. "think I may fuddenly proceed here to the remainingpart ofthe Application, without any recital of the explication or confirmation, the truth lying fo naked in the Text it fell. TheLie of Faitb, and the Life of Sen e, arc the two wales ft f_t that