The Life of Faith. S5 or ally into the ballance againft a mountain, or againft the world. g. Such a 1iht would allay the itchof Tuff, and quench the drunkards infatiable thirft, and turnyour gulofity into mo- deration and abilinence; and acquaint you with a higher fort of pleafures, that arc durable, and worthy ofa man. 6. Such a fight would cure your define of paffime, and thew you that you have no time to pare, when all is done that nectíliiy and everlafting things require. 7. Such a fi6,ht would change your rrl;fh of Gods Ordi- nances, and efleemof Minitlers, and teach you to love and favour that which is Ipiritual and ferioae, rather than hypo- critical ffrains and thews : It would teach you better how to judgeof Sermons and of Prayers, than unexperienced minds willever do. 8. Such a :tight would cure your malignity againti the wales, and diligent fervants of the Lord ; and inftead of op- pofing them, it would make you glad to be among them, and.faft, and pray, and watch, and rejoyce with them, and better to underftand what it is to believe the communion of Saints. In a word, did you but fee what God revealr, and Saints believe, and muff bePeen, I would fcarce thank you to be all as ferious and folicitous for your fouls, as the holiefl man alive and prefently to repent and lament the folly of your negligence and delaies, and to live as men that know no other work to mind,. in comparifon of that which extendeth to eternity. I. would fcarce thank the proudei of you all, to lie down in the duff, and in faekcloth and afhes, with tears and cryes, tobeg the pardon of thofe fins, which before you felt no weight in. Nor the mat fcnfual wretch, that now flicks fo clofe to his ambition, covetoufncfs and !Lift, that he faith, he cannot leave them, to fpit themout as loathfomebit- ternefs, and be athamed of them as fruitlefs things. You would then fay to the moil godly, that now Item too precife, [O why do you not make more hafte, and lay hold onHeaven with greater violence!' why do you praywith no more fer- vency, and bear witnefs againft the fins of the world with no more undaunted courage and refolution; and why do you nvt