Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. our lively fight of the world invifible, by a fericusfaith, would y rcfently awake us, and force us confidently to conclude , AVT SANCTVS AV7 BRVTVS : There is praclicaliy and predominantly no Mean. Hc'i prove a BKVIT that is not a SAINT. 63 CHAP. YII. HAving done with this general convi6 ion and.- to unbelieving Hypocrites, I proceed to" acquaint Believers with their Duty, in feveral particulars. r. Ivorfhip God as Believers; ferve him with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a çonfunting fire, Heb. 12. 43; 29., Ateeing faith, if well excited, wouldkindle love, "dcfirc,fear, and all praying graces. No man prayer well, that Both not well know what he praycs for, When it comes toPeeing, all men can cry loud, and pray when praying will do no good. They will not then fpcak fleepily, or by rote, Fides intuendo, amorem reeipit, ansorem fufcitat : Corflagrans amere defideria, gemitus, orationes fpirar. Faith is the burning=glafs which beholding God, receiveth the beams of his communicated love, and inflatrìeth the heart with love to him again.; which mounteth up by groans and prayers, till it reach its original,: and love for ever refl in love. . a Defrre and ufe the creature as Believers. Interpret all things as they receive their meaning, from the thingsunfern underfland them in no other fenfe.Ic's only God and the life to come that can tell youwhat's good or bad for you in the world. And - therefore the ungodly that cannot go to Heaven for coun- fel, are carryed about by meet deceits. Take heed what you love : and take heed of that you love. God is very jealous of our love : He fheds abroad his own love in our hearts, that our hearts may be fruitful in love to him, which is his chief delight. By lovehe commandcth love ; that we may fuitably- move toward him, and center in him. He communicateth fo much for the procuring of a little, that we (hould endeavour to give him all that little, and flied none of it inordi nately upon the creature by the way. Nothing is great, or greatly