Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. laudant, fed qui errata & amice reprehendunt : Not them that call yougood ; but them that would make you bet- ter. And you will let them know, as Phociandid Antipater, that they can never ufe you, & antic* & adulatoribne ; as friends and flatterers ; that diff:r as a wife and a harlot. It's hard to love the imperfect creature, without miftakes, and inordinacy in our love : And therefore ufually where we love mots, we fin moti ; and our fin finds us out ; and then we fuf er moli : and too much affection is the forerunner of much afllic` ion ; which will be much prevented, if Faith might be the guideof Love, and Humane Love might be made Divine ; and all to be referred to the things unfern, and animated by them. Love where you can never love too much ; where you are fire to have no d fappointmcnts ; where there is no unkindncfs to ecclipfe or interrupt ; where the only errour is, that God hath not all; and the only grief, that we love no more. Efpecially in the midit of your entifing pleafures, or en- tifing employmentsand profits in the world, forefee the end ; do all inFaitb, which teileth you, [The time isport ; it re- maineth therefore, that both they that have wives, be as though they hadnone; and they that weep, as though they wept not ; and they that rejoyce, as though they rejoyced not ; and they that buy, as though theypoffi fednot ; and they that ufe thie world,as through they ufedit not (or not abufing it :) for the fafhion of this world pafetb away, t Cor. 7.29, 3o. inoploy your time as becomes Believers. Faith only can acquaint you, what an unconceivable weight doth lye upon this inch of hay time. As you behave your felvesfor a few daies, it mull go with you in joy or mifery for ever : You have your appointed time, for your appointedwork. God hath turned the glafs uponyou ; much of it is run out alrea- dy. No price can call back one hour that you have loft. No power or policy can retard its courts ; Sic fugiunt frano non remorante dies. When it comes to the lait fand, and time is gone, you'! know the worth of it : You'! then confefs it fhould have teemed more precious in your eyes, than to have been calf away upon things of nought. O precious time ! more worth than all the riches of the world ! How highly is K it