Baxter - BX1763 B28

9p) CHAP. V. The true Tftory of the Papacy, its original and growth. Hough I referve the opening of the ambiguities of theword Papit till near theend, I dull fo far an- ticipate that, as to tell you here alfo, that the word [PAP I STi is equivocal : I. In the fence of Grotius, and all our ReverendCountry-men that areof his judg- ment, [" Papifls are thofe that without any difference doap- "prove ofall the fayings 4nddoings of Popes, forhonour or " hare fake as is ufual, ] Difcuf. p. 15. Ifofall, then ofall theAdulteries, Murders, Simonie, Herefie, Infidelity charged on fomeofthem by their own Writers andby Councils. I am furry if this be E. u(ual ] I hope yet that therearefew ofthefe Papifts in theWorld, and that few Popes themfelves will deny that they are finners. But he elfewhere defireth the Reformation, i. Of :fome bold difputes of the School-men z. And the ill, lives of the. Clergie ; 3. And fomeCuftoms whichhave neither Councils, nor Tradition. II. Some who are for the Supremacy ofGeneral Coun- cils above the Pope, do call thole Papists that are for the Pope's Supremacy above fuck Councils ; or that give him the Legiflative as well as the Judicial Power over the Univerfal Church : Though themfelves give him the Supreme Judicial Power when there is no General Council. III, Proteftants call thofe Papists who hold' that the Roman