Baxter - BX1763 B28

(92 ) oneeended was takenup among the Bifhops [which of them /hould be thegreatefl : ] AndSt. ,Paul having taught Chrilfians that they fhould notgo voluntarily to Law a- gainfl each other before. Heathens, if there were but a wife man among them ro be an Arbitrator ; theChriftians íùp- poling that they hart-none wiser or fitter than theirBifhop, made him their Common Arbitrator in things Civil, as well as Ecclefiafiical: Bywhich means Cuftom making it like a Law, Bishops became de facto Church-Mañi- flrates : But they had no Power to execute any Penal Laws, either 7ewi(h or Roman, or to make any of their own, except as Arbitrators or Doors to thofe that would voluntarily receive them : And they had no Power ofLife andDeath, nor to dir-member any,nor to beat or fcourge them, nor to Fine them or Confifcate their E= Rates : But being entrufted by chrif as his Minifters with the Power of the church-Keys, and by the People with the Power of Civil Arbitrations, theywere bythis the "fitted Governours of all Chriflians ; who yet obeyed the Roman Heathen Magiftrates, but brought none of their own differences voluntarily before them. And becaufe that Multitudes of Herefies took advan- tage ofthe churches liberty, and (warmed among then to their great weakning and difgrace, and chrift hadcom- manded his Servants to ferve him in as much Unity and concord as they could, duty and neceffity drove the :Pa- ítvrs'of the Churchesto Corrèf pondencies, and to meet to- gether on all'}uft-occafions, and at 'aft to Affociations for the orderingof there Meetings ! In which they agreed in what Compafs à and in _ what Place, ' orbywhofe Call fuch Meetings held, ; andwhat Bifhops in thofeMeet- ings should prefide or fit highek and, firft (peak and fubfcribe : And ufually they thought that to follow the Order