(94) excepted : And fo the Bithops were by his ¿tiro made Ci- vil Magiflrates or ArIitratori :; yet not with any Power of Life, or Limbs, or Eftate : So that all that would be- come Chriftians, and would be fubje± to the Bìíhops Ca- nons, andChurch Difcipline, were freed from Death, Stripes, and Mules, for many Crimes which all others were lyable to, and Excommunication and force Penance was inflead of all : By fuck means Multitudes of world- lyMen, and by the Preaching of the Gofpel Multitudes that were found Chrif$ians, came together into theChur- ches : And Bithopricks being now very deferable for their Power, Honour, and Wealth, Men that molt loved Power, Honour, and wealthy ( that is, proud, worldly, Carnal Men) did earneftly feek them, and firive for Precedency in them : But yet while the People had the choice, or a Negative therein, and theoldSpirit ofChri- frianity remained in many of the Bithops, in many places bad ones were kept out, and many excellent Menwere preferred. The Heretic of "Arius and the Alexandrian Contenti- ons thereabout, required a remedy for the Churches Peace : The Bithops could not end it themfelves : It fpread fo far that it was Con iantine's great grief to fee Chriftians fo quickly difgrace themfelves, and weaken their Religion in the Eyes of the Heathens : Therefore he called a Council of Bithops confiningmoftly of thofe of the Eaftern parts where the troubles arofe : Two Priefts of Rome were there, but not theBifhop, nor but fewof the Weft : Where the Emperours open Rebukes and Lamentation for their Contention, and his earneft Exhortation toPeace, ,and hisburning all the Libells or Accufations whichthe Bit ops brought in againft each other, andhis eiYatinual prefence and moderating over- fight