Baxter - BX1763 B28

(101) was the ImperialSeat; and therefore theygive equal Pri- viledges to Conftantinople, becaufe it is the Imperial Seat. The words of the Council of Calcedon (oft cited) are thefe (tranflated.) Aft. 16. Binii pag. 134. C" we following always the "definitions of the holy Fathers and the Canons, and know- " ing thole that have now been read of the r5o Bifhops moll' "beloved of God, that were congregated under the Empe- "roar, of pious memory, Theodofius the Greater, in the " Royal City of Conffantinople, Nero Rome, have our "felves alfo defined the fame things, concerning the Fri- " viledges of the fame moft holy Church of Conffantino- " ple, NewRome: For to the Seat of old Rome, lecaufe "of the Empire of that City, the Fathers confequentlygave " thePriviledges. And the 150 Bithops moll beloved of " God, being moved with thefame intentions, have given " equal Priviledges to the moft holy Seat of New Rome; rea(onably judging that the city adorned with the Em pire and Senate, jhall enj y equal Priviledges with old `°`Regal Rome. This council was called by the Emperour: Martian and'his Lay Officers were called the Judges : And the Bi- chops, to ibew what they thought of Rome, cryed out [They that contradict it are Neftorians : Let them that contradia it walk to Rome. Bin. p. 98.] If fuch a General Council be not to be believed, fare- well all the Papiffs Infallibility, Authority, Tradition, and Religion : If it be to be believed, the Pope is a Hu- mane Creature, and not a Divine. But Binius faith, that Rome receiveth not the Canons of this Council of M conftantinople, which this confrmeth, . but only their condemnation of acedonius : And he faith [That everyCouncil bath juft fo much fretzgth and autho ritly