Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 102) rill, as the Apoflálick ;See befloveth on it : For .(faith he) trnlefs this -be admitted, no rearm can be given why fame Councils of greater nurnbers of Bijhobs were reprobated, and others of a Onaller number confirmed)] Vol. 2.p. 515. And yet muff we hear -tle. noife .of [alt the Chrif'ian world, and all the Bijhops, and General Councils, and the Tradition of our Fore- fathers, &cc.] as againfl us, when all is but the Pope of Rome, and tech a/s pleat' him ? and it is He and his Pleafers that refute tiie moil General Coun- cils and Tradition ? Away with this falfe deceitful talk. 6. Once more hear their own Co.nfeon ; Their late Englifh Bifhop (of Calcedon, a fatal n ne) R. Smyth in his Survey againff Bifhop Bronahal1 faith, cap. , [To u-s it fufthceth, that the B44hop of Rome is S. Peters Succeffor, and this all the Fathers tefti'e, and all the Catholicl° Church believeth : But whether it be jure divino or huma- no is no point of Faith.] Anf. i . Is not that a point of your Faith which the .General Councils affirm ? at leaff of your Religion ? Who can tell thenwhat is your Faith ? 2. If an hifloricalpoint be not tobe believed from Genera' Councils, why íhould the Hiffory of Peter's being at Rome, and Bifhop there, be believed as from Fathers? ( which wilts bath fail fo much againff.) 3. Do not the Fathers as much agree that Peter was firfi Bifhop of Antioch? If then you have no more to Thew than they, where is your Title ? 4. If your Divine Right of fucceeding Peter be no point of Faith, then he that believeth it not, doth not fin againff any point that Godwould have himbelieve as fromhim, and therefore is not to be thought erroneous in the Faith. . And yet upon this, which is no point ofFaith, you ;build your F4itb andChurch, andwould have all Chriai- ahs do: the like,, painof damnation. II. And