World : Their Conteft was about the fame Churches or Circuit, who fhould be Chief. 5. The Inf}ances of the feveral Countries that were never under the Pope, do prove it : Even the great Em- pireof Abafîa, aid all the ref} fore-named without the Empire. Of which and the Exception more under the next. III. The General Councils were all focalled only in re- fpeá to the generality of theEmpire, and not as of all -the Chriftian World ; which was never dreamed of. Proved, z. Becaufe the Emperours that called.them (Conflan- tine, Martian, &c.) had nopower out of the Empire. z. There is no credibleHuffcry that mentioneth any further call ; much lets of all theChriffian World. 3. It was the Affairs only of the Empire that the Councils judged of, as is to be Peen in all their Ca- nons, 4. The Names of the Bithops yet to be teen, as Sub- fcribers, fully prove it. 5. It was not a thing probable, if pofïible, that the Indians, Perfaans, and other Nations, should fend their Bithops into the Roman Empire, which was ufually at War with them, ordreaded and detef}edby them. 6. Theodoret's forefaid words of names Bithop of Ni- fibis fheweth it [that he was at the Council of Nice, for Nifibis was then under the Roman Empire.] 7. I have oft cited the words of Reynerius, Paying, that the outer Churches planted by theApof}les were not under the Church of Rome. S. The executive part neither could, nor ever was per- formed upon theChurches without the Empire. When did anyPatriarch, or .,any - Provincial, or General Coun cil