Baxter - BX1763 B28

(tu I ) EC by any definitions ofthe Fathers, and the Nicene De- "crees did molt plainly commit both the inferior Clergie "and the Bifhops themfelves, to the Metropolitans : for «they did moft prudently and moft juftly provide that C' all bufinels fhould be ended in the very places where " they began, and theGrace of the Holy Ghoff will not "c(or should not) be wanting to each province : which "Equity fhould by the Prieffs ofChrift be prudently ob " ferved, and moil conftantly maintained : efpecially be -- " caule it is granted to every one to appeal to the Coun- " cils of their own Province, or to an Univerfal Council; " ifhe be offended with the fentence of the Cognitors: " unlefs there fhould be any one that can think that our "God can (or will) infpire a Jufiice oftryal into. any One 't Mn, anddeny it to innumerable Prieffs that are Con- " gregated in Council. Or how can that fentence that " is pall beyond Seas be valid, to which the neceffary " perfonsof the Witneffes could not be brought, becaufé "ofthe infirmities of Sexe or Age, many other impedi "ments intervening ? For that any (that is' Legates) 'C fhould be Pent from the fide ofyour Holinefs we find " not conítituted by anySynod ofthe Fathers(it feems " they Never thottght ofa Divine right) becaule tha t which " you feat us by our Fellow Bithop Pau zinus as done by " theNicene Council - -- (they prove rvfps falfe) --- fend "not your Clergy Executors (or 4gitators) to potent: " men : Do not yield to it, left we feem to bring the Se- " cular arrogancy into theChurch of Chriff, which pre= " ferreth the light of fìmplicity and day of humility for "them that delire to fee God: For of our Brother FaU "flinus (the Popes Legate) we are fecure that the fafe "Brotherly love in your Holineffes hone fly and mode- !! ration, can fuller to tay no longer in Africa.]] The