Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 11.2) The Popes took this heinóuíly from the Africans that they should flop them in their afcent to the Univer-. fal Monarchy : So that Pope Boniface, Epii. ad ,Final, faith, [ "Aureliusfometimes Bifhop of Carthage, with his "Colleagues, did begin by the Devils infligation to wax "proud againfl the church of Rome, in the days of our " PredeceJJors Boniface and Celeffine.] O how little do proud men infrigated by the Devil know themfèlves, when they think that the Diabolical pride is in them that will not ferve their pride ! And Harding againif ewel, Art. 4. Sell. 19. faith [Air- ter the whole African church had perfevered in schifm, the fpace :o f twentyyears, and had removed themfelves from theobedience of the Apoflolick Seat, being feduced by Aurelius Bithop of Carthage, Vic.] Here note, 1. That fo numerous were theBi-fhops in Africa, that one of their Provincial Councils hadfar more Bithops than the Council ofTrent, or divers others called General. z.That theyweremenofthe moft eminent learn- ing and piety, and that had kept up Difcipline above al- mof' any Church in the Empire. S.Auguftine was one that fubfcribed the forefaid Letter : and were fuch Men like to be feduced by Aurelius? 3.; Note with Nhat Impu- dencie evenfuchmen as Harding yet pretend that St Au- guftine was for their Papal Claim, when yet he profeflèth him to be one ofthe Schifmaticks that caft off obedience to the Seat of Rome. 4. Note what good Company we have in our reproach of the fame pretended Schifm. S. Note how lhamelefly the Papif}s Rill tell us of all the Bilhops ofthe Chriflian world being for them, and asking us, where was our Church before Luther, that is, a Society óf .Chriffians that obeyed not the Pope; when they con- fefs that Augufline and all theAfrican Church for twenty years