Baxter - BX1763 B28

('14 And indeed, ifit had been none but the Greeks, he might well have faid [The greater number of Churches:) For the Conteft which begun upon the Emperours re- ,rnoval to Conftantinople, and at the firft General Coun- cil, increafing more and more, till Gregory oppofed ohn's Claim of U.niverfal Bifhop, as Antichriftian, at laít Phocc the cruel murderer ofMauritius gave the Title to theBifhop of Rome : But that nowhit ended the con- °teít, following Emperors being contrary minded, and _the Greeks continuing. their Claim, the Biíhops of Rome and conßantinopie excommunicating oneanother ; fo that by this abominable ítriving which íhould be the Chief or <-Greateft, the Churches that were of old in the Empire havebeen divided, and fo they continue to this very Day, as unreconcileable as ever. And whenGregory fent his Erniffary hither to Preach to the Saxons , they found the Chriftian Britans and Scots not only averíe to the Government, Orders, and Ceremonies of Rome (fo that in many Kings Reigns ,neither words nor force could make them yield) but alto fuch as refufed their Communion , and would not fo much as eat and drink with them in the fame houfe. No wonder then that Marinarius at the Council of Trent complain, that the Church is [hut up in theCorners of :Europe: and thatSonnius Bifhop ofAntwerp fay(Demonftr. Relit. Chri,l. li. 2 . Tract. 5.C. 3 .) [ 1 pray you what room bath the Catholick Church now in the habitable worldfl Scarce three Elns long in cosnparifon of the vaffnefs which the Satanical church dot.hpoffefs. The truth is, faith Brierwood, Divide the known world (and alas howmuch is unknown ?) into thirtyparts, and .about nineteen are Heathens, and fix Mahornetans, and five