Baxter - BX1763 B28

(1i7) ceitfiil Devils.] When one Pope cuts another in pieces; and catteth his Carcafs into theWater, as unworthyof Chriftian Burial ( as you may find in the Lives ofFor - mofrs and sergir s ) mutt we yet fuppofe fuch the Law- ful Rulers ofthe World ? The fourteenth Schifine (faith wernerus) w.0 fcanda- lens andfull of confuton, between Benedict the Ninth and five others : which Benedict was whollyvitious, and there- fore being damned, appeared in a monilrous and horrid fhape, his Head and Tail were like an Affes, the reft of his Body like a Bear, Paying, 1 thus appear becaufe I lived like a Beaft. In this Schifine (faith theAuthor) there was no lefs than fix Popes at once. r. Benediet was expulfed. 2. Silvefter the Thirdgets in, but is caft out again, and Benedict reflored. 3. But being again call out, Gregory the Sixth is put into his place : who becaufe he wars ignorant ofLetters, caufed another Pope to be Confecratedwith him, to perform Church- Offices, which was thefourth : which dsfpleafedmany, and therefore a third is chofen inflead of the two that were fighting with one another : But Henry (the Emperour) coming in, depofed them all, and chofe Clement theSecond, ( whowas the fixth of them that were alive at once.) In my Opinion this Gregory theSixth Mewed himfelf the honefte ft Man of them all : Who though he could not read himfelf had the humility by chufing a Partner to confefs his ignorance. And I am perfwaded if the rlueftion had come before him, which was the trueft Tranflationof the Hebrew or Greek Text; or fuch like, the Man would fcarce have pretended to infallibility in judging. The nineteenth Schifine, was be- tween Innocent the Second and Peter Leonis, and Inno- cent (faith the Author) got the better becaufe he had more on his fide.] A good Title no doubt! and thence a goodSucceflìon. The