Asoommimill ( 122 ) Divines, theevident diflindion between their Humane Right and their pretended Divi;ie Right, and between ari Univerfal Council or Church of the Empire, and of the whole world, have not been fbfficiently obferved in our Difputes againft them ? And the additional Countries of voluntary Subjeas in Brittain, Hungary', Sweden, Denmark, &c. hich of later times, fince his Imperial Primacie, have fallen in to him, have much helped to blind the people herein, and to ferve hisClaim as by Divine Right. For which ends his Emiffaries have taken great pains, at the Eaft and Weft Indies, in china, and apan and Congo, ( and once theymade an attempt in Abaffia, ) and among the Greeks and in many ocher Nations of the World; lau- dably feeking to win forne Heathens to Chrifl, that they might win them to the Pope ; and turbulently feeking to diflurb the Greeks and other Chriftian Churches, to draw them to the obedience ofthePope. The Doarines by which they promote their defign are more than I may now flay to upen. I. One of the chief is, by depreffing the Honour of the facred Scriptures, as infufficient to acquaint us with. all Gods Will that is neceffary to our falvation, without pp piewntai rraditien 5 th'nr. fo all men might be brought to depend on them as ti- o 'Keepers ofTradition. But i . Is tbeir Tranitien yet written in anyof their own Books, or not ? If n t, wheee are they kept? And who knoweth hat they are ? L it not flrange that fo many Do&ors in fo many Ages, all remembring them, would none of them ever write them down ? Are they in the Memor;, f the Pope only ? ( What of thofe that could no read, Qr that were condemned as Hereticks or Infidels ? ) Then all the World mull receive them from the