Baxter - BX1763 B28

C 23) the Poems Memory. Iffo, muff it be word or writing And had he go Memory of them before he was Pope s ,t if other ,M:ns Memories that your unwritten Traditions arekept, in whole is it ? If inall the Do&ors ofyour Church, whydid .notLmhir, Melanthon, Pet. MartyAand thereff that turned from you, know them ? r did they fuddenly forget them all when they turn- ed Proteftañts ? And how vaft mutt your neceffary Religion be, if yet it melt have more in, it unwritten, than is tobe found in all your great Volumes of Coun- cils, and your huge Library ? But I fuppofe youwill fay that all your unwritten Tra- ditions are n v written: If to, they are not unwritten And ,how îoog have they been written, and by whom ? If Fathers and Sons could keep themunwritten in me- mory a thoufand years,' why not co, and why nöt i600 ? dec. If they were ! written, in the beginning, =here be theBooks ? Are they not filch as other Chrifti- ans can read and'underfland as well as you, (or an illite- rate pope?) If there be a neceflity of having them in writing now, was there not the fame neceffity to former Ages ?. 2. I fuppofe you will fend us to your councils for thole Traditions: But if the Bithops know them not before they, come to theCouncil, how do they begin toknow them then ?eDo:they 'go thither for a new miraculous Revelation of an old Tradition left with the whole Church -T. Btt do not Councils oft determine things confeffed- -ly'uncertain to the Church before ; and yet out of utter í ñéertainty, it-fäddenly beéoi ieth an Article of Faith ? För Iiffande',' the great Council at Ba/Il faith ('Bin, fefi. j'' E "Ahard Qpeftionhathbeen in divers parts Q2 " and