( 125 ) 3. Be not General Councils themfelves approvedor reprobated at the pleafure of the Pope ? What a num ber ofreprobated Councils were there ? that yet were as numerous as the approved, and as lawfuly called and affembled. Bellarmine inf'anceth in the 2. of Ephefus,. Conffance, Bafl, and many more Of which more be fore. II. Another of their deceits is by pretending toYinc. Lerinenyis Rule, quad ab omnibus, ubique, temper, &c. as if Antiquity and Univerfality were on their fide. I muff remember that I have long_ ago confuted there and the reff of their deceits inmy Key for Catholicks : Yet I will' briefly fpeak here to thefe two. . For Antiquitywe willingly Rand to it, and to the rejeding ofall Novelty inReligion : But we muff have better proof than the word of our Grand-fathers, or a. Prieff. i. Isany oftheir Books or Traditions elder thaw_ the holy Scripture ? z. Either the Greeks, Armenians,, Abaf fInes, &c. have been lure Keepers of Antiquity, or not : Ifyea, thenwe may take their Teffimony as well as the Church of homes. If not, why may not you prove as ill Keepers of it as they ? 3. But are they not certain Novelties that youwould= impofe on us under the colour of Antiquity? Read but Pet. Moulin de Novit. Papifmi, or. Mr. îh. Doelittle_s Dif courre in the Morning Lectures againfl Popery, and you° (hail fee the Novelty ofyour Religion fully proved. Take, . nowbut thefe few inffances., i. Your veryPatriarchate,. Primacie, ClaimofUniverfality, General Councils, are all proved Novelties before. z. Your own Writers confefs that the denying the. People chriffs Blood (or the Cup) in the Lords Sup er°is. a. Novelty, that prevailedby Cullom by little and fittiei and