(r27) unheard. 2. I repeat thewords' ofBaer.cldr4a-sone ofyour own, that long lived among them, and fpake what he faw, p. 125, 326. [find as for Mofe that we judge to be dammed Hrcticks,- the Neítorians, Jacobites, Maro- nites, Georgians, and the like, i found them to be Jr o the moil part goodand fmple men, and livingj?ncerely towards God and Men, they are of great ab(linence, p. 3 24. he faith, that [ the Syrians, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians, Neftorians, Nubians, Jubeans, Chaldeans, . Maronites, Ethiopians, Egyptians; andmany other íVa- tio as of Chriftians there inhabit 3 and that fome are ,chif maticks not rubjeU to the Pope, and others calledHereticks, . as the Neltorians, Jacobites, ¿'c. but there are mzny in thefe Secs that arevery jmple, knowing nothing of Here- tics ; devoted to Chrifl; macerating the Flefh. withFaffings, And clothedwith the moll Pimple Garments, fo that they far excel the very RELIGIOUS of the church ofRome.] And, p. 3 23. of the Papists, whom he calleth by the Name of Chriftians, as if it. were proper to them, he faith, [There are in the Land of Promife men of every Nation under Heaven, áßád every i\atiot¢ liveth after their own Rites ; and to (peak the veay truth to oar own reak confu!ion, there are none found in it that are n orre and more corrupt in Manners than Chriflians,] ( that is, Pa- gifts. ) 3. If, Errours and Vices than are among the Armenians, the Ahafines, Syrians, 6'cj will allow us to rejeft men from our Communion, how much more caufe have we to renounceCommunion with Popes and Papiíts than with thefe Churches 4. How can anyman fay thät'Nations and Countries are tobe rejected as Heretick s ` funl fs the Tingle perfons guilty were tryed and heard ? when there is noHeretic but