(132) Reader, doth not this tell you whence much ofour late Atheifm and Infidelitycometh, and what it tendeth to ? I tell thee not thewords ofa Novice, but a perfon chofen .to have feduced our King., when hewas Prince, in Spain. And is not this way very fuitable to the end ? Howmuff men become Papifts? Boverius will teach you: Firl} " fufpetl all Religion, and withyour very Mind andwill 'c ceafe tobelieve that there is a God, or that he is Pow- 4C erfull, Wife or Good, or that we are his Creatures and " Subjects, or that there is any Heaven or Hell or Life to 4C come, or that Chriff is not a Deceiver but a Saviour, or that any of theBible is true : Ceafe from Loving, Fearing, Obeying or truífing God, and from loving u man for his fake : Ceafe praying to him, and forbear- ' ing any wickednefs, injuffice,r cruelty, perjury or fil `' thinefs as being forbidden byhim, and this as long as " you are fearching after the truth.1 Verily thisdevil, ifh counfel is fo notorioufly followed now by fome, that we may fear what truth it is that they are fearch- ing after. Certainly this way is ofthe Devil, and bow it can lead to God I know not. I lovecartefaan Philo- fophy the worfe becaufe its principle is fo congruous to this. And their Doarine oflawful hiding their Religion by Equivocation is commonly known. And what they fay about coming to our Churches I have formerly cited at large out of Thom. a 7efu, and the lawfulnefs of denying the perfonofa Clergie-manor a Religiousman: And the groundofall, [becaufe humane Lagsfor the molt part bind not the Suabjeófs confcience when there is great hazard oflife, as Azorius hathwell taught, faßt.Moral. To. i .1.8: . 27. See theAuthors words de Converf. Gent, li. 5.Dub,` 4. pag. 2'8. andDub. $. p.2,1822,19. and Dub.6.p. 2e