Baxter - BX1763 B28

Whereas indeed thedifference of the Offices ofchrifti- an Magiflrates and PaHors, is not, that one is but for the Body and the other for the sou/5 for both are to' further mens Salvation, and true Religion, and the obedience of Gods Laws in order thereto : But it is in this, that Princes and Magiffrates have the Power of Governing men in things Secular and Religious within their true Cognisance by the Sword, that is, by external companion and Coercion, by Muffs and Penalties forcibly execu- ted ; whereas the Paftors haveonly the Charge ofTeach- ing men Chrifls Doctrine, and Guiding the Church in the adminiífration ofGods Worfhip, and by the Keys or Authority fromChriff, judging who is capable or unca- pable of Church Communion, and declaring pardon and Salvation to the penitent for their Comfort, and the contrary to the impenitent for their humiliation ; and all this only by Word ofMouth, without any con raining force. ProofoftheCharmer. Pope inner. 3. (vid. & Colins Haft. rranfiuh. p. 1,47, 148) [ God made two great Láhts in the Firmament of "Heaven ,---andofthe Vniverfal Church ; that is, he in- " ltituted two Dignities, which are the Pontifical Autho- rity and the Regal Power : But that which ruleth the "Day, that is, thingsfpiritual, is the greatefl, and that " which ruleth carnal things is the lefi that it may be le known that the difference between Popes and Kings is fuck as is the difference between the Sun and the "Moon. Ifthis were true, the loweff Prießr were incompara= bly more honourable or amiable than Kings, as the Soul is more excellent than the Body : But David, Solo- mon, Hezekiah, 7ofîah, and all good Kings, did Phew that