Baxter - BX1763 B28

(i36) that Religion was the matter of their Government and the principal part of theircare. Read forthis fully Bithop Bitfon of Chriftian obedience, Bithop Buckeridge _for' the Magiftrates Power, and Bifhop Andrews Tortura Torti.3 excellent difcourfes against the Papal Ufurpati- on. IV. The O,ce which he _thus claimeth as over all the Earth, is to be the vicar of Chrift or of God, or the vice- Chrift or Vice -God, as Kings have their Vice-Kings in re- mote Provinces. Proved. x have elfewhere cited thewords ofPopes Paying, that they are Vice-Chrifti and Vice.. Dei, at large: And Pope Juiita's words [we holding the place of the Great God, the Maker ofall things and all Laws : ] And Carol. Bo- veriu4's words, Canfult. de. Rat. fidei, &c. to our late King, Paying [Befdes Chrift the Jnvifible Head of the Church, there is a necefty, that we acknowledge another certain vifible Head, fubrogate to Chrift and inflituted of Isim, &c.] AndCard. Betrand's ..words inBiblioth. Pa- tram, that faith, A.'mighty Godhad not been wife elfe, if he had not fent One only to Govern the worldunder him :] And Boverius reafon [Chrif was himfelfon Earth once a vifible Monarch ; Andif the church hadneedofa vifible Monarch, it bath needof one fill.] Chrift Paid that it was neceffary that hewentaway that the Paracletemight come, whom Tertullian calleth his Agent ; But thePa- pills will not part with him fo, but they will havehis Body hereRill,. and yet a Vice-Chrift or vifible Monarch allo in his Bead : See their own words, which I have cited at large in my Anfwer to Mr. ohn- fon. y. The pretendedgro#ndof this hisClaim is, that St. Peter